This is the Course Details

Undernoted courses basic learning have been illustrated in the undernoted link to learn the basic of the the all courses  tutorials.  After Buying the exam voucher , you will get 40hrs courses extra to complete the project base tutorials  through office 365 / shere point platform . for that you required to learn oneNote

You have selected  the  Adobe  for the  Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)  course in  Adobe Certified Associate in Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator CS6 / CC  

297Setting Project Requirements
1206297 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing graphics. Learn   
1207297 Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules for artwork, graphics, and graphic use. Learn   
1208297Demonstrate knowledge of project management tasks and responsibilities. Learn   
1209297 Communicate with others (such as peers and clients) about design plans. Learn   
298Identifying Design Elements Used When Preparing Graphics
1210298 Demonstrate knowledge of design principles, elements, and graphic composition. Learn   
1211298 Demonstrate knowledge of graphic resolution, graphic size, and graphic file formats for web, video, and print. Learn   
1212298 Demonstrate knowledge of typography. Learn   
1213298 Demonstrate knowledge of the use of symbols and representative graphics. Learn   
1214298Understand key terminology when working with graphics. Learn   
299Understanding Adobe Illustrator
1215299 Identify elements of the Illustrator user interface and demonstrate knowledge of their functions. Learn   
1216299Use nonprinting design tools in the interface. Learn   
1217299Demonstrate an understanding of and select the appropriate features and options required to manage color, pattern, and gradient swatches. Learn   
1218299 Demonstrate an understanding of vector drawing concepts. Learn   
1219299Demonstrate knowledge of how to work with brushes, symbols, graphic styles, and patterns. Learn   
1220299 Demonstrate knowledge of layers and masks. Learn   
1221299 Import, export, and save files. Learn   
300Create Graphics Using Adobe Illustrator
1222300 Demonstrate knowledge of how to create documents. Learn   
1223300Demonstrate knowledge of how to use drawing and shape tools. Learn   
1224300 Demonstrate knowledge of how to use type tools. Learn   
1225300 Demonstrate knowledge of how to use scanned or photographic images. Learn   
1226300 Demonstrate the ability to create realistic graphics. Learn   
1227300Demonstrate knowledge of how to modify and transform objects. Learn   
301Archive, Export, and Publish Graphics Using Adobe Illustrator
1228301 Demonstrate knowledge of preparing graphics for web, print, and video. Learn   


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