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262UI/Scene Management
802262UI Elements: Menus : Point out common menus like File, Edit, Modify, Create, Display, Window, Assets, Muscle(if it’s loaded) and Help. Talk how everything between File and Muscle or Help (if Muscle is not loaded) changes depending on the different Menu Sets you choose Learn   
803262UI Elements: Status Line : Point the most important buttons on the Status Line like the Creat New, Open Scene and Save Scene button, the object mode button, the construction history button,render current frame button and the attribute editor, tool settings and channel box button. Learn   
804262UI Elements: Attribute Editor: Give a brief overview of the attribute editor, and explain how it differs from the channel box. Learn   
805262UI Elements: Tool Settings: Demonstrate how the Tool Settings window is context sensitive. Learn   
806262UI Elements: Channel Box: Give a brief overview of what information the channel box can hold and it’s importance in quickly accessing attributes Learn   
807262UI Elements: Tool Box: Demonstrate how to access transformation tools from the toolbox as well as the last used tool Learn   
808262UI Navigation: Menu Sets : Demonstrate the ability of changing between menu sets and discuss how each menu relates to a particular task Learn   
809262UI Navigation: Marking Menus: Demonstrate how to access context sensitive tools using the right mouse button.Show how you can hide/ unhide UI elements with the spacebar(hotbox) and RMB of the West Quadrant Learn   
810262UI Navigation: Function Keys: Demonstrate how to change between different menu sets using the function keys for e.g. F2, F3 etc.. Learn   
811262View Navigation: Alt + LMB, MMB, RMB: Demonstrate how to move the camera or viewing area using the keyboard and mouse combinations Learn   
812262View Navigation: Hotbox : Demonstrate how to navigate through the hotbox Learn   
813262View Navigation: Perspective/ Orthographic Views: Discuss the importance of using both perspective and orthographic view when viewing and managing objects in a scene Learn   
814262view Navigation: Quick Layout Buttons: Show how the quick layout buttons can be used to change layouts in Maya Learn   
815262View Navigation: View Cube: Demonstrate how the view cube can be used to navigate to different views in Maya Learn   
816262View Navigation: Grid : Demonstrate how to turn the grid on and off and change spacing. Discuss the importance of setting working units correctly. Learn   
817262Viewport Display Types : Shading>Wireframe : Demonstrate using the hotkey 4 with an example. Create a simple Maya scene with different display modes and have students identify these modes within the scene mainly the wireframe, smooth shade all, wireframe on shaded, textured and use all lights Learn   
818262Viewport Display Types : Shading>Wireframe on Shaded Learn   
819262Viewport Display Types: Shading>Smooth Shade All: Demonstrate using the hotkey 5 with an example Learn   
820262Viewport Display Types : Shading> Hardware Texturing: Demonstrate using the hotkey 6 with an example Learn   
821262Viewport Display Types : Use All Lights Demonstrate using the hotkey 7 with an example Learn   
822262tOOLbOX: Select Tool : Demonstrate how to activate the select tool and also discuss the Q Hotkey Learn   
823262ToolBox: Move Tool : Demonstrate how to activate the move tool and also discuss the W Hotkey Learn   
824262Tool Box: Rotate Tool: Demonstrate how to activate the move tool and also discuss the E Hotkey Learn   
825262ToolBox: Scale Tool: Demonstrate how to activate the move tool and also discuss the R Hotkey: Learn   
826262Object Selection: Frame on Selected: Demonstrate how to center the camera on the selected object/s using the F hotkey Learn   
827262Object Selection: Deselect: Demonstrate how to deselect objects or components using the keyboard and mouse combination Ctrl + Select Learn   
828262Object Selection: Add to Selection: Demonstrate how to add to a selectin of objects or components using the keyboard and mouse combination Ctrl + Shift + Select Learn   
829262Object Selection: Quick Select Sets: Demonstrate the workflow for creating quick selects sets and how to manage sets after creation Learn   
830262Object Selection: Lasso Tool : Demonstrate how to use the lasso tool to select objects or components Learn   
831262Object Selection: Paint Selection Tool : Demonstrate how to use the paint selection tool. Learn   
832262Obbject Selection: Selection Order: Demonstrate how one can tell which object was selected last by observing the wireframe color of selected objects Learn   
833262Object Selection: Selection Masks: Demonstrate how to filter what can be selected in a scene using the selection masks Learn   
834262Object Transformation : Local/Object/World Space: Give a brief overview of the different spaces an object can exist in, giving examples of how each space affects the object Learn   
835262Object Transformation: Pivot : Give examples of how the pivot of an object can effect it’s transformations and how to modify the pivot Learn   
836262Object Transformation: Restricting the Transform Manipulator to two axis: Demonstrate with an example how the transform manipulator can be restricted to two axis while diabling one Learn   
837262Object Organisation: Outliner Introduce: how the outliner can be used to view and organise objects in a scene Learn   
838262Object Organisation: Hypergraph:Hierarchy : Introduce the hypergraph as a more technical approach to viewing and organizing objects in a scene but with a deeper level of contro Learn   
839262Customizing: Shelves : Layer Editor : Demonstrate how to manage the visibility and selection of objects by using the layer edito Learn   
840262Project Folder: Overview: Demonstrate and discuss how this can organize files for a project Learn   
841262Preferences: Undo: Queue: Discuss why the undo queue is initially set to 50 and why one would change it to infinite Learn   
842263Scene Setup/Layout : Units: Show the Working Units Setup in Maya Learn   
8432632D Nurbs Curve Tools : Nurbs Curve Components: Discuss the different components of Nurbs curves Learn   
8442632D Nurbs Curve Tools : EP and CV Curve Tools: Demonstrate that each tool differs in its creation process but that both create a NURBS curve Learn   
8452632D Nurbs Curve Tools : Beizer Curve Tool : Compare bezier curves to NURBS curves highlighting their differences and discussing how they can be used together Learn   
846263Creation Tool: Create Circle: Demonstrate the input node for the circle Learn   
847263Creation Tool: Create Text: Demonstrate text while using Bevel and Bevel plus Learn   
848263NURBS Curve Component Editing : RMB Marking Menu: Demonstrate the ability to choose different component modes using the RMB marking menu Learn   
849263NURBS Curve Component Editing : Open/Close Curves : Demonstrate how you can open and close curves with the open/close curves tool and how it affects surface creation Learn   
850263NURBS Curve Component Editing : Snap to Curve: Demonstrate using this on the status line and also introduce the C hotkey Learn   
851263NURBS Curve Component Editing : Snap to Grid : Demonstrate using this on the status line and also introduce the X hotkey Learn   
852263Nurbs Surface Display : Crv Precision Shaded>Low Resolution Display : Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introduce the hotkey 1 Learn   
853263Nurbs Surface Display : Crv Precision Shaded>Medium Quality Display: Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introducethe hotkey 2 Learn   
854263Nurbs Surface Display : Crv Precision Shaded>Smooth Quality Display: Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introduce the hotkey 3 Learn   
855263NURBS Surface Creation : Revolve : Create a simple wine glass model while using revolve.Explain the difference between the CV, EP and Beizer curve tools. Explain the importance of pivot points. Show how to snap pivot points. Also make use of image planes. Explain the Revolve tool options in detail and show how you can get different output geometry while using the tool. Learn   
856263NURBS Surface Creation: Loft: Create a simple toothpaste tube while using loft. Start with nurbs circles. Talk about the input node for circle. Discuss inserting isoparms for greater details after the loft creation and show how the shape can be edited through different component levels. Explain the Loft tool options in detail and show how you can get different output geometry while using the tool. Learn   
857263NURBS Surface Creation: Extrude: Create a simple tunnel or a rollercoaster while using the extrude. Talk about snapping pivots. Show how to modify the path while editing the nurbs components. Explain the Extrude tool options in detail and show how you can get different output geometry while using the tool. Learn   
858263NURBS Surface Creation: Bevel: Create a simple logo such as the “Maya” logo while using either CV, EP or Beizer curve tools. Use image planes as modeling aids. Discuss different curve editing tools and use the bevel tool to create the logo. Discuss the Bevel tool options in detail and show how you can get different output geometry while using the tool. Learn   
859263NURBS Surface Creation: Bevel Plus: Create a simple logo such as the “Maya” logo while using either CV, EP or Beizer curve tools. Use image planes as modeling aids. Discuss different curve editing tools and use the bevel plus tool to create the logo. Discuss the Bevel Plus tool options in detail and show how you can get different output geometry while using the tool.Discuss difference between the bevel and bevel plus tool. Learn   
860263Object Cloning: Duplicate: Demonstrate creating multiple copies of an object. Introduce the hotkey. Learn   
861263Object Cloning: Duplicate Special: Demonstrate the added control in creating multiple copies using duplicate special Learn   
862263Object Cloning: Duplicate with Transform: Demonstrate the workflow needed to correctly use duplicate with transform. Introduce the hotkey. Learn   
863263Polygon Tools: Polygon Surface Components: Explain the different components of Polygon surfaces Learn   
864263Polygon Tools: Polygon Primitives: Demonstrate different Polygon primitives and discuss their input node setiings Learn   
865263Component Editing: RMB Marking Menu: Demonstrate the ability to choose different component modes using the RMB marking menu Learn   
866263Modeling Tools: Interactive Creation: Demonstrate how to create a primitive using interactive creation turned on Learn   
867263Polygon Modeling Tools: Combine: Demonstrate that combining multiple polygon objects creates a polygon object with a single transform Learn   
868263Polygon Modeling Tools: Smooth: Demonstrate the ability to add detail to a mesh using smooth and compare this to using smooth mesh preview Learn   
869263Polygon Modeling Tools: Booleans: Demonstrate different boolean types Learn   
870263Polygon Information: Poly Count: Demonstrate how to keep track of poly counts at a scene, object selection level Learn   
871263Polygon Surface Editing: Extrude : Demonstrate how to add and reshape geometry using the extrude tool. Introduce the “g” hotkey Learn   
872263Polygon Surface Editing: Bridge: Demonstrate how to add geometry using the bridge tool Learn   
873263Polygon Surface Editing: Insert Edge Loop Tool : Demonstrate adding edge loops and redirecting the flow of geometry using Insert Edge loop tool Learn   
874263Polygon Surface Editing: Wedge Face: Demonstrate how wedge face can be used to add geometry at certain angles Learn   
875263Polygon Surface Editing: Merge: Demonstrate how merge can be used to connect vertices and edges Learn   
876263Polygon Surface Editing: Merge To Center Learn   
877263Polygon Surface Editing: Merge Vertex Tool: Demonstrate how the merge vertex tool can be used to merge vertices by click dragging Learn   
878263Polygon Surface Editing: Merge Edge Tool: Demonstrate how edges can be merged with the merge edge tool Learn   
879263Polygon Surface Editing: Bevel: Demonstrate how to bevel edges Learn   
880263Smooth Mesh in the Attribute editor for Polygons: Snooth Mesh Preview>Default Polygon Mesh: Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introduce the Hotkey 1 Learn   
881263Smooth Mesh in the Attribute editor for Polygons: Smooth Mesh Preview>Cage + Smooth Mesh Display: Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introduce the Hotkey 2 Learn   
882263Smooth Mesh in the Attribute editor for Polygons: Smooth Mesh Preview>Smooth Mesh Display: Demonstrate in the Attribute Editor and then introduce the Hotkey 3 Learn   
883263Polygon Components: Toggle Object/ Component Mode, RMB: Introduce the Hotkey F8 Learn   
884263Polygon Components: Vertex Component Mode: Introduce the Hotkey F9 Learn   
885263Polygon Components: Edge Component Mode: Introduce the Hotkey F10 Learn   
886263Polygon Components: Face Component Mode: Introduce the Hotkey F11 Learn   
887263Modeling Aids: Image Planes: Demonstrate how to setup image plane to assist as reference in modeling objects Learn   
888263Modeling Aids: Non-Linear Deformers: Demonstrate the bend and twist deformer Learn   
889263Subdivision Surfaces: Standard Mode vs. Polygon Proxy Mode: Demonstrate how to use each mode when modifying a subd surface and show when to use each mode Learn   
890263Subdivision Surfaces: Partial Crease Edge/ Vertex Learn   
891263Camera Types: Camera: Demonstrate the difference between the types of Cameras available Learn   
892263Creating Cameras from Views: Panels>Perspective>New: Demonstrate how new cameras can be made easily from the panel dropdown Learn   
893263Camera Attributes: Near/Far Clip Planes: Demonstrate how the Near/Far Clip Planes control what is rendered in Camera Learn   
894263Camera Attributes: Background Color: Demonstrate how to change the Background Color and then return to Default Learn   
895263Camera Settings: Safe Title/Safe Action: Discuss the use of Safe Title/Safe Action Learn   
896263Camera Settings: Tumble Tool: Review the hotkeys Learn   
897263Camera Settings: Track Tool: Review the hotkeys Learn   
898263Camera Settings: Dolly Tool: Review the hotkeys Learn   
899263Camera Settings: Zoom Tool Learn   
900264Light Types: Ambient Light: Demonstrate how an ambient light differs from a point light and discuss its limitations Learn   
901264Light Types: Directional Light: Demonstrate how the directional light mimics parallel light rays from the sun. Learn   
902264Light Types: Point Light: Demonstrate how the point light emits light in all directions similar to various light sources Learn   
903264Light Types: Spot Light: Demonstrate the extra attributes a spot light has, allowing for greater control when lighting Learn   
904264Light Types: Area Light: Discuss the usage of area lights and their increased load on rendering time Learn   
905264Attributes: Common Attributes: Discuss those attributes that are common to all lights Learn   
906264Attributes: Specific Attributes to certain lights : Discuss those attributes that are not common to all lights and only specific to some lightsfor e.g. SpotlightPenumbra, Cone Angle , decay rates etc… Learn   
907264Lighting: UI: Light Linking Editor: Demonstrate how to illuminate objects with specific lights using the light linking editor Learn   
908264Shadows: Depth map Shadows : Demonstrate the advantages and limitations of depth map shadows Learn   
909264Shadows: Raytrace Shadows: Discuss the need of raytrace rendering when using raytrace shadows and how ray depth limit effects shadow visibilitiy in a render Learn   
910265Shading UI: Hypershade: Introduce the different areas within the hypershade and give a brief overview of their use and general workflow Learn   
911265Shading Components: Materials : Discuss what materials are with real world examples. Give a brief introduction to materials and explain the difference between a material and a texture Learn   
912265Shading Components: Textures: Discuss what textures are with real world examples. Give a brief introduction to textures and explain the difference between file and procedural textures Learn   
913265Material Attributes: Common material Attributes: Give a brief overview of the most frequently used attributes like colour, transparency, bump and diffuse Learn   
914265Hypershade UI: Toggle: create bar on/off: Show how the create bar can be toggled on/off to get more screen real estate Learn   
915265Hypershade UI: Clear Graph: Demonstrate how to non-destructively clear the work area using clear graph Learn   
916265Hypershade UI: Rearrange Graph: Demonstrate how to organise multiple nodes in the work area using rearrange graph Learn   
917265Hypershade UI: Graph Materials on Selected Objects: Demonstrate how to view the shading network of a selected object using graph materials Learn   
918265Hypershade UI: Input and Output Connections: Demonstrate how to show all connections to selected nodes using Input and Output connections Learn   
919265Hypershade UI: Shaded and Textured Display in the viewport. Show it in the Panel Menu Learn   
920265Material Types: Blinn: Demonstrate what surfaces resemble the properties of a Blinn material and compare it to a Phong material Learn   
921265Material Types: Textures: File Texture : Demonstrate the difference between a file texture and a procedural texture discussing the advantages and limitations of both. Learn   
922265Material Types: Textures: 2D Texture Attributes : 2D Procedural Texture: Demonstrate the difference between a file texture and a procedural texture discussing the advantages and limitations of both. Learn   
923265Material Types: Textures: 3D Procedural Texture: Demonstrate the difference between a 3D and 2D procedural texture Learn   
924265Material Types: UV Texture Editor: Planar Mapping: Demonstrate the different ways a texture can be connected to an input and discuss the advantage of each method Learn   
925265Material Types: UV Texture Editor: Select Shell : Demonstrate how to select a UV shell for placement in the texture editor Learn   
926265Material Types: UV Texture Editor: UV Snapshot: Demonstrate how UV Snapshot can be used to take your UV’s into paint program Learn   
927266Keyframing Basics: Animation Terminology: Introduce the concept of Keyframes Learn   
928266Keyframing Basics: Time Slider: Explain the timeslider and its use in animation Learn   
929266Keyframing Basics: Range Slider: Explain the rangeslider and its use in animation Learn   
930266Preferences: Time Slider Preferences: Check vital settings in the Preferences Window for Time Slider and Playback Learn   
931266Preferences: Playback Preferences : Check vital settings for Time (Working Units) Learn   
932266Creating Animation: Keyframing: Auto Key : Demonstrate AutoKey with a simple ball starting from the ground, being tossed up and falling back on the ground. Make sure to explain timeslider, rangeslider, playback preferences, time slider preferences, playback preferences configure the Maya UI for animation while using this example. Learn   
933266Creating Animation: Keyframing: Set Key: Demonstrate setkey with a simple example. Introduce the ‘s’ hotkey. Demonstrate SetKey with a simple ball starting from the ground, being tossed up and falling back on the ground. Make sure to explain timeslider, rangeslider, playback preferences, time slider preferences, playback preferences configure the Maya UI for animation while using this example. Learn   
934266Creating Animation: Keyframing: Channel Box UI : Demonstrate how to create basic motion in the Channel Box Learn   
935266Creating Animation: Keyframing: Key Selected (Channel Box): Demonstrate how you animate from the channel box Learn   
936266Editing Animation: Keyframing: Time Slider Animation Control: Demonstrate how to control basic object motion in the Time slider Learn   
937266Editing Animation: Graph Editor: Graph Editor UI: Introduce basic controls only Learn   
938266Preview/Render Animation: Playblast : Demonstrate playblst and its options Learn   
939266Creating Animation: Motion Paths: Creating Animation: Motion Paths: Demonstrate how to animate objects on a path Learn   
940266Playback: Play/Pause Introduce the hotkey “Alt+v” Learn   
941266Playback: Go to next keyframe: Introduce the hotkey “.” Learn   
942266Playback: Go to previous keyframe: Introduce the hotkey “,” Learn   
943266Playback: Go to the previous frame: Introduce the hot key Alt + Learn   
944266Animation Deformers: Go to the next frame Introduce the hotkey “Alt + .” : Blend Shapes Learn   
945267Render Settings: Common Tab: Give a brief overview of the various settings within the common tab focusing on the most important ones like file name prefix, image format, frame/animation ext, frame padding, renderable camera and image size Learn   
946267Renderer: Maya Software Renderer: Give a brief overview of the Maya Software renderer discussing its strengths and limitations Learn   
947267Batch Rendering: Batch Renderer Discuss batch rendering with an example to render Batch render an animation and disccus the project directory structure in Maya as to where the rendered frame are saved. Learn   
948267IPR Rendering: IPR: Introduce the workflow of using the ipr to assist in feedback to changes made in a render Learn   
949267IPR Rendering: IPR Limitations: Compare IPR in Maya Software and Mental Ray as well as discussing the limitations of the IPR Learn   


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